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Dunder Doc

by Valdir Stumm Jr

Stop writing for the audience

I’ve been blogging for a long time already, but lately I noticed that it has been becoming harder and harder to finish a blog post. I have an idea, I write a draft, but in many cases the blog post never gets published. I recently realized that the further I get into writing a blog post, the bigger my anxiety on writing something perfect gets. That’s mostly because my mind gets swamped with questions like:

Why I Abandoned Dark Mode

15 years ago, my whole desktop environment was dark. Dark terminal, dark vim, dark graphic environment, and dark mp3 player. It was pretty cool. I felt like a hacker in those unrealistic 90s movies. Whoever stepped into my room would think that I was doing some rocket science. In fact, I was probaby just listening to mp3, learning some bash scripting and taking screenshots to share my cool desktop in online forums.